Rose City Games @ Portland Retro Gaming Expo
Thank you for joining us at the Retro Game Expo - here’s what made it so much fun!
The Portland Retro Gaming Expo was in full stride this year, and we were very excited to take part in it for our 5th year! We always have an amazing time hanging out with the indie game community with the added bonus of some retro game enthusiasts.
We had our games Floppy Knights, Garden Story, and The World Next Door available for everyone to try. Lots of locals hadn’t realized that we are based in Portland (you know, The Rose City) but it’s always nice to make new Portland friends. We shared a booth with our friends over at PIGSquad, so we were surrounded by a bunch of friendly and talented indies! It was a lovely atmosphere for talking with and meeting new people.
(Here’s Corey and Evan towards the end of the expo - tired, but happy and still standing!)
One thing that surprised us was we had a lot of questions about Cat Lady, so on the second day we set up the full game available to play exclusively for one day at PRGE! It’s been years since we’ve shown Cat Lady to anyone and it was really fun to see new players having such a good time. There were even some players who played the game in Early Access who got to show it off to their friends.
For those of you who don’t know: earlier this year hundreds of Cat Lady plushies came into our possession somehow. It’s been a saga trying to figure out what to do with all of them. We brought one box labeled “SO many Cat Lady plushies” to the expo and ended up giving all of them away. There must have been over 100 in there that now have new homes!
Also, we had a weekend long gauntlet: our co-founder, Corey, threw out a challenge to beat him at his own game. No one did. I’m expecting someone to step up and practice in order to put him in his place next year.
We tried something a little different this year and threw an afterparty at one of our favorite local spots, the Lucky Lab! It was an all-ages all-multiplayer games blowout - and if you ever make it down, note that they have especially good homemade root beer ;)
Special thanks to our guest devs for showcasing their games with us at the party - Lost Native gave a sneak peek of Wild Country, our local friends at Meister brought Ctrl Alt Destroy (a big hit with the kids!), and Panic served up their latest game, Nour! It felt awesome to welcome more Portland friends so we could share their recent updates and releases while not on the show floor. Of course Vampire Survivors and Nidhogg are not local but c’mon, you aren’t at a Portland games event without the multiplayer hotness.
It was particularly great having so many of the Rose City Games folks come together for the weekend. In fact, it was the first time we met Gina, our artist, in person!
There are a few teammates missing from this pic, but wow look at us! Hope to see all your pretty faces again next year 😍
We are glad to be back at our desks (working on some new and unannounced stuff 🤫) after a long weekend of prep, prge’ing, and partying. Thanks to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo for running such an awesome event and to PIGSquad for teaming up with us at the expo. Of course keep your eyes peeled for when we return to the PRGE show floor and pop up another party. You can sub to our newsletter for updates on when we’re next out and about - we hope to see everyone again soon!
~Rose City Games